What's cuter than a baby in a onesie? I'll answer that for you. A man in a onesie. It's true. Try and look at a baby in a snuggly lil onesie without smiling. Now try and do that will a full grown man. Can't do it. Why? Because nothing is cuter than people at any age in a onesie. When you're a baby, you don't get the option of picking out your clothing. Your parents just put you in things that make you look really cute. But when you grow up, YOU get to decide if you still want to be cute and snuggly. NOT your parents. So F%^& your parents, you're not too old for an ultra soft men's onesie. Hell no Joe. You're JUST the right age. Why do babies get all the attention? You deserve some too. At SpiritHoods we feel personally responsible for your cute factor. We can help you up it with our colorful plush faux fur onesies in animal print. Are you thinking to yourself, "will a men's animal print faux fur onesie really make me cuter?' Ummmmm duh.