Is it so bad that all I want to do is sparkle and shine?! Why doesn't anyone understand me? Sometimes I just feel so alone in this world. What did you say? You said "you get me? And you, too want to sparkle and shine." Are there more of us out there than I realized? Where are we all? Calling all radiant and exceptional beings! Find us here! We're exploring this brilliantly bright collection of exquisite beings. Oh and the collection of long sequin coats, sequin dusters, sequin cardigans, long faux fur coats for men and women, and calf length faux fur coats too. Yeah, yeah you'll find that collection here too. BUT you'll mostly find extraordinary beings. That's the collection you'll mostly find here. Those of us that are too magnificent for this world. Those of us that shine brighter than any star in the sky. That's what this collection is really about. We're just hiding behind a lot of luxurious high quality faux furs.