• MENS
  • Blonde Suburbia: The SpiritHoods Interview

    June 04, 2015 1 min read

    Blonde Suburbia: The SpiritHoods Interview

    Not too long ago I shared some amazing headwear with you… The response I had was awesome and many of my followers couldn’t wait to get their hands on a SpiritHood, Heck they gotta be good if Nylon are talking about them too!! Desordre in Darlinghurst and Tuchuzy of Bondi were quick to pick up on the Spirit Hood trend and bought these babies to our shore… and basically making it a hell of a lot easier to get our hands on these furry critters…

    So this month I decided to see if I could catch up with the folk behind SpiritHoods, I managed to get in touch with Ashley Harber one of the co- founders of Spirit Hoods, Ashley does all the Photography, Branding and marketing as well as design etc… The photography mind you is amazing.. Because it looks extremely fun to actually own one of these things… For all you Perth readers out there Ashley has some connection with Perth although he’s never been here Ashley was a good friend of the late Heath Ledger…

     AH: “He had alot of Spirit, as a result of knowing Heath I met Gemma Ward as well who I took to Burningman last year I was just thinking of her today and I was going to send her a Spirit Hood”

    Read The Full Article Here Pictures and all:


    - See more at: http://theden.spirithoods.com/blonde-suburbia-the-spirithoods-interview/#sthash.fAFv0EpZ.dpuf

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